A billion pixels

Busag Grundsatz No. 1: Denk nie in Klischees




Uluru after rain



Major Works

Busag has never shied away from undertaking ambitious reproduction and publishing projects. Some of our art work used 12 colors, including real silver and gold. We have produced art catalogues for major Dutch and French museums, as well as catalogues for the most famous Swiss watch manufacturers.

Our Passion for Posters

Together with our partners we have produced some of the most beautiful posters. We see posters as a form of art rather than a simple way of advertising products or services. To achieve uniqueness, the composition of the main elements, and the combination of colors and fonts are essential to achieve our mission of producing work that becomes an immediate classic.

Fred Gygax

Fred was a pioneer in introducing new processes into the world of printing and lithography. For his contributions to photography he was awarded the Golden Medal by the Photographic Society of Vienna. He was also a selection member of the American Museum of Photography.

Photography   |   Lithography   |   Printing

Busag was a result of the merger Dr. Balmer and F. Schwitter to Balmer & Schwitter AG, or “Busag”. Fred Gygax had a passion to visit foreign countries and learn from the best companies in the field, including the US, UK, Germany, France and Japan.

Moderne Chemigraphie in Theorie und Praxis, published in 1957 by Poygraphischer Verlag in Frankfurt, Germany, was written by Fred based on his extensive business experience and practical skills in photo-engraving, electrotyping and photo-lithograhping.


Photos taken


Posters produced


Commercial clients




Keep informed with timeless pieces from our bulletin. This might sound old fashioned. But venturing into the future without understanding the past seems slightly foolish. We hope our bulletin covers interesting developments in the graphic arts sector and technology.

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