

AI Imaging: Some Thoughts

The technological advances in imaging have profound implications for how work can and is been done in the graphic arts industry. While the computer-generated results are increasingly similar to real photographs, or even undistinguishable, the technologies possibilities raise many issues, including ethical.

Die Zukunft des Buchdrucks

Impressionen und Gedanken einer beruflichen Amerikafahrt Die Zukunft des Berufes, in dem man tätig ist, bedeutet für viel Leser so etwas wie die Zukunft des eigenen Ichs. Das gilt sicherlich für alle die, denen ihr Beruf nicht nur Broterwerb darstellt.…

Advertising Campaigns

Having serviced some of the largest advertising agencies, Busag also has a fond history of its own campaigns. The most prominent example was Busag’s “Grundsatz No. 1: Denk nie in Klischees.” campaign. One important feature of the campaign is the…