Having serviced some of the largest advertising agencies, Busag also has a fond history of its own campaigns. The most prominent example was Busag’s “Grundsatz No. 1: Denk nie in Klischees.” campaign. One important feature of the campaign is the reverse nature of the main typeface used to emphasize the motto of avoiding stereotypical thinking. Interestingly, several posts on the internet incorrectly flipped the typeface.
In one campaign in the late 1970s, Busag was fortunate to work together with Jost Wildbolz and Grace Jones. Wildbolz has been one of Europe’s leading professional photographers. Grace Jones has performed as a model, singer, songwriter and actress. She later not only continued her career in modeling and music (most successfully with “Slave to the Rhythm”) but also supported her role in movies, including Conan the Destroyer and A View to a Kill.